Unity in Diversity - Multicultural Art Show

Call for Submissions

Have you created a piece of artwork that you feel represents your heritage or culture? Does your artwork represent the spirit of multiculturalism and/or the theme of “Unity in Diversity”? 

The Museum of Dufferin (MoD), in partnership with the Dufferin County Multicultural Foundation, are proud to present “Unity in Diversity”, a juried art show hosted at the MoD. A jury will select between 10-15 artists to display in an exhibition in the Museum of Dufferin’s Silo Gallery. We are excited to bring this art show back for a fourth year!

We invite artists in all mediums from across Ontario to share artwork that represents the theme “Unity in Diversity”. 

There is no entry fee for this show. 

Location: Hosted at the Museum of Dufferin (MoD) (Mulmur, Ontario), in partnership with the Dufferin County Multicultural Foundation. 

Important Dates:

Entry Deadline: Saturday, April 19th (Noon)

Notice of Acceptance: Friday, May 2nd

Artwork Drop-off: Wednesday, May 21st to Saturday, May 31st

Exhibition Official Opening: Saturday, June 7th 

Exhibition Closes: Saturday, August 31st

Artwork Pick-Up: Wednesday, September 3rd to Saturday, September 13th


Exhibition Details

Section 1

Open to: Residents of Ontario. To enter, you must be able to drop-off and pick-up your artwork at the Museum of Dufferin in Mulmur, Ontario on the designated dates (see “Important Dates” section below).  The exhibition will be presented for a duration of three months at the Museum of Dufferin.  

This is a juried art show, and not all artworks will be selected by the jurying panel due to space restrictions. We encourage all age groups, skill and experience levels to apply. 

Along with each submission, a short description/reflection is required. 

Examples of accepted mediums: 2D artwork (paintings, prints, drawings, photography), mixed media, sculpture, textile work. 

Size limitations: Please note that due to limited space we may not be able to accept exceptionally large canvases or heavy sculptures. 

Maximum number of entries: Artists can submit a maximum of two (2) pieces of art for consideration. A triptych or a sculpture with multiple pieces would be considered one entry.

Accepted artists for the exhibition will receive the following benefits:  

  • Display in a juried exhibit 
  • Posting to the Museum of Dufferin’s website and social media platforms 
  • Professional exhibition space and display of artwork 
  • Press release about the exhibition sent to media outlets 
The Silo Gallery

Jurying & Awards

Section 2


Our jurors are leaders, artists, and educators in the Dufferin County community.  

Jurying Announcement Date: Friday, May 2nd, 2025

*Entrants will be notified by this date if their work has been accepted into the show. 

Jurying Criteria:  

  • Quality, composition and effectiveness 
  • Uniqueness of technique 
  • Connection to the exhibition theme (which seeks to showcase a variety of diverse cultural backgrounds). 
  • Supporting written comments/reflections to accompany the artwork 
  • Space considerations for the Silo Gallery at the Museum of Dufferin 


  • Best in Show: Monetary Prize and Award Certificate 
  • Juror’s Choice Award: Monetary Prize and Award Certificate 
  • Emerging Artist Award: Monetary Prize and Award Certificate 
  • Student Artist Award: Monetary Prize and Award Certificate 

*Emerging Artist Award: Must be 17 years or older and currently enrolled as a student in College or University to qualify for the Emerging Artist Award.

*Youth Artist Award: Must be 17 years or younger and currently enrolled as a student in Primary or Secondary School to qualify for the Youth Award.

All award winners will be announced on Saturday, June 7th during the exhibition opening. Award winners will also be notified by email.  

Submission Guidelines

Section 3
  • To enter you must be a resident of Ontario.
  • To be considered a student, you must be currently attending school (primary, secondary or post-secondary). 
  • Students (under the age of 18) must have a parent or guardian sign the “Student Waiver”. A waiver will be emailed to you after we receive your submission form. Your work will not be included in the show until the waiver has been returned to the MoD. 
  • Entries must be made exclusively by the artist. A collaboration is acceptable but must be acknowledged. 
  • Entries must follow the theme of the exhibition. A short description/reflection is required. Please tell us about the artwork (give context), what drew you to create the piece, and any personal reflections.
  • All entries must be submitted electronically. Artists must complete the online submission form (below) and send photographs of their artwork to the Dropbox request file. The maximum number of entries per artist is two (2).  
      • If there are any issues submitting your photographs please contact Sarah Robinson (Curator) at srobinson@dufferinmuseum.com
  • Accepted artists are responsible for bringing their work ready to install (framed, equipped with D-rings, wire, etc.). The Museum is not responsible for installation hardware on artworks. Artists must indicate on their application form if there are any special installation requirements or considerations. 

Image Files:  

  • The photograph of the artwork must be in focus.
  • Submitted in JPEG format.
  • No larger than 10MB. 
  • All image files must be saved in the following format BEFORE being added to the dropbox folder:  
      • Artist Name_Title.jpg 
      • Example: Ann Lee_Peace at Sunset.jpg 
  • Your photo entry must be free of any watermarks or logos. 
  • The photo and description/reflection of your artwork is presented to the jurying panel for deliberation. 

Terms & Conditions

Section 4
  1. The artwork chosen for display will remain on display for the duration of the exhibit (June 7 to August 30, 2025).
  2. Accepted artists must give email confirmation upon acceptance and are encouraged to attend the exhibit opening at the Museum of Dufferin on Saturday, June 7th.
  3. Accepted artwork must be the actual artwork as seen in the submitted images. No substitutions. The Museum of Dufferin reserves the right to not display any artwork that differs from the images in the accepted submission. 
  4. The MoD is an inclusive and safe space for all. The MoD will not allow the display of artworks that are deemed offensive or harmful.
  5. If artwork is accepted for the exhibition, the Museum of Dufferin and the Dufferin County Multicultural Foundation may use photographs of your artwork for marketing and promotion purposes (social media, digital newsletters, Museum of Dufferin website, etc.). Your photographs/artwork will be credited appropriately
  6. The MoD does not hold the rights to the photographs/artwork submitted. The photographs/artwork will be used for the exhibition and promotion of the exhibition only. Once the exhibition has ended all original files are deleted. 
  7. By applying, you guarantee that the artwork you are submitting is your own creation and you own the rights to use/submit the artwork. If you are submitting photography that includes images of people, the MoD requires copies of photo releases from the subjects in those images. 
  8. I understand that any photographs submitted may be used for promotional purposes and there are no restrictions on copyrights or usage of these photos. 
  9. Artists and their representatives agree to act in a professional and respectful manner with MoD staff, volunteers and patrons. Failure to abide by this rule may result in cancellation of participation in the exhibition.   
  10. Accessibility and health and safety for artists, staff, volunteers and patrons is of utmost importance. MoD staff reserve the right to deny the use of any artwork, display pieces or props that pose a health and safety risk.
  11. The Silo Gallery features several windows which allow natural light into the space. At this time, the windows have not been treated to reduce UV damage. The risk of certain fragile artworks fading is a possibility (i.e. watercolours, photographs, pen and ink sketches). The artist understands and accepts this risk and the Museum of Dufferin is not responsible for any damaged/faded artwork.
  12. The Museum of Dufferin is not liable/responsible for lost, stolen or damaged artwork. A Certificate of Insurance can be provided upon request (allow 2 business weeks for delivery), which confirms that the artwork is in the care, custody and control of the Museum of Dufferin.
  13. Artwork must be delivered to the Museum of Dufferin by the Artist/Representative during the drop-off window and picked up by the Artist/Representative during the pick- up window (see “Important Dates” below).  Museum staff do not do pick-ups or drop-offs of artwork. If artwork is being shipped to the museum, costs must be covered by the artist.
  14. Installation will be completed by the Curator and the Curatorial Assistant. Hanging/installation preferences must be communicated by the Artist/Representative, preferably in writing. Staff are professionally trained in art handling and installation. When art is not on display it is locked in a light and temperature-controlled storage room.
  15. The Museum of Dufferin reserves the right to retract offers to artists to exhibit at any time, without cause. 
  16. The Museum of Dufferin staff will provide promotional material to accepted artists for social media distribution (sized for Instagram, Facebook).
  17. There is the opportunity for accepted artists to list their artwork for sale during the art show. The Museum of Dufferin receives 25% of any art sales for the duration of the exhibit. The Museum of Dufferin WILL charge HST on the 25% commissions gained from the sale, BUT only on the pre-tax amount of the items. Any artwork that is not for sale must be marked as “not for sale”.
  18. The Artist is responsible for indicating how HST will be handled with the sale of their artwork.
  19. The Museum of Dufferin is not responsible for maintaining structural components of objects or works of art (i.e. if pieces or materials detach from the main object, Museum of Dufferin staff will not conserve or repair the object).
  20. The use of organic matter in exhibitions is discouraged to prevent pest infestation. Use of organic matter is subject to the approval of the Curator.
  21. Works that are not available for purchase must be clearly designated as “NFS” (Not For Sale). Once the exhibition has opened, sale prices cannot be changed unless the price posted was an error on the MoD’s behalf. If an artist has sent the wrong prices, they will have to honour those prices once the exhibition has opened to the public.
  22. Artists are responsible for bringing their work ready to install (framed, equipped with D-rings, wire, etc.). The Museum is not responsible for installation hardware on artworks.

Important Dates & Contact Information


Important Dates:

Entry Deadline: Saturday, April 19th (Noon)

Notice of Acceptance: Friday, May 2nd

Artwork Drop-off: Wednesday, May 21st to Saturday, May 31st

Exhibition Official Opening: Saturday, June 7th 

Exhibition Closes: Saturday, August 31st

Artwork Pick-Up: Wednesday, September 3rd to Saturday, September 13th



Sarah Robinson (Curator) (Available Tuesdays – Saturdays): srobinson@dufferinmuseum.com

Caitlin Hudson-Dubsky (Curatorial Assistant) (Available Wednesday, Thursday, Friday): chudsondubsky@dufferinmuseum.com

Example: @MuseumofDufferin