The Archives staff provide both an information service to Dufferin County’s municipal government and research access to the public. Access to the Archives is included with your MoD admission (free for members).  However, there are fees for photocopies, microfilm copies and high-resolution scans (see below).

The Archivist is available for:

  • Document retrieval
  • To discuss research topics and provide possible archival sources
  • Give instruction and tips for conducting research
  • Provide information on the preservation of records and archival practices

Research Appointments on Tuesdays and Wednesdays:


Thursday – Saturday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
(Closed 12:00PM – 1:00PM)
Wednesday  Appointment Only
Sunday – Tuesday Closed
Upcoming Closures

June 28, 2025



Archives Reading Room

Your first step should be to consult our online catalogues, which contain information from a large portion of our collection. This will give you a starting point for your discussions with staff. Next, you can consult with the Archivist about resources not yet available online.    

Reproductions may be made of most archival material in our Collection (fees are outlined below). Any personal information submitted will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


Land titles & abstracts, tax assessment rolls, maps & blueprints, photographs, W.I. Tweedsmuir Histories, and business records all contribute information towards discovering your property history. Please note: The legal description (Example: Lot 13, Block 9 Plan 5A) is required for land title and tax assessment.

Looking for your Dufferin roots or want to know more about the residents of Dufferin? Records such as tax assessment rolls, voters lists, newspapers, school records, fraternal organization records, cemetery records and family research files are critical sources for researching your family tree.

Popular research topics include Veterans, British Home Children, and Black Settlers. You can start your search on the Digital Archives, and then contact the archives to learn more.

The Archives is the main repository for public records, documenting the actions of local governments on a variety of matters. Records for Dufferin County and its Towns and Townships held in the Archives include Council minutes, by-Laws, tax records, and departmental records. 


Research less than 30 minutes: $20/15 minutes + HST
Research greater than 30 minutes: $50/hour + HST

*Includes low resolution scans/PDF copies of materials.

An estimate of time and fees will be provided ahead of commencing any research. An invoice is e-mailed and can be paid online. Research and any copies or scans are sent following receipt of payment.

If no resources are available relating to the request, you will be so advised in the initial ‘time/cost’ assessment, and no fee will be charged.


Due to the rarity of the records, the collection must remain non-circulating. Photo reproduction of the archival collections is permitted, but is dependent on item condition, collection size and copyright laws.

Reproduction Fees:

  • Digital Image File (High Res) – $20.00 +HST
  • Digital Image File (High Res – Previously Scanned) – $10.00 +HST
  • Digital Image File (For Profit Publication) – $100 to $350 (variable depending on intended use and media)
  • Rush Request – double the base fee
  • Photocopies (per page)
    • Black and white letter or legal – $0.50 +HST
    • Black and white tabloid (11×17) – $1.00 +HST
    • Colour copy, letter or legal – $1.00 +HST
    • Colour copy, tabloid (11×17) – $2.00 +HST