Important: Donation drop-offs are by appointment only. Unscheduled drop-offs will not be accepted.
Are you interested in donating items to the MoD? The first step is to fill out the Offer of Donation form (click or tap the button below).
Corn Flower Glass
The Museum of Dufferin is not accepting pieces of Corn Flower glassware for the museum’s artifact collection at this time. The Museum of Dufferin has over 3,000 pieces of Corn Flower glassware in our collection, which fully represents the history of the W.J. Hughes Corn Flower Glass Company.
In some rare instances, we may accept a piece of coloured Corn Flower glass (specifically purple, blue, or Vaseline) for the museum’s artifact collection.
If you are interested in donating Corn Flower glass to the Museum of Dufferin’s gift shop (with the sale of the glassware benefitting the Museum), please email
The MoD has three collections – Artifact, Archival and Education. Learn more about our collections here.
Artifacts (3-D objects) and Archival materials such as documents, books and photographs may be donated to the MoD. Our mandate is to collect records and artifacts of significance and enduring value to Dufferin County.
We are interested in collecting items from a range of time periods, including the recent past! Items from community events, local businesses and organizations, and family memorabilia will help tell the story of Dufferin County for years to come.

How we Decide
These are some of the factors we consider when an artifact or archival record is offered for donation:
- Do the records/artifact provide evidence of the personal, social, cultural, and/or political history of Dufferin County?
- Do the records/artifact represent Dufferin County people, experiences, stories or subjects? AND/OR
- Does the artifact/document have educational value for teaching and learning about local or Canadian history?
- Are the records/artifact of a rarity or importance to be considered a treasure?
Additional considerations when making a decision about a donation include the artifact/record’s:
- age
- condition
- completeness
- relationship and/or similarity to other items in our collection
- any restrictions on access or use either through legislation or as requested by the Donor.
- size (due to limited storage space)
View our Collections Management Policy here.
How to Donate
Important: Donations are made by appointment only. Drop-offs will not be accepted.
Step 1: Fill out our Offer of Donation Form (see below) or call 1-519-941-1114.
Please include the following information when emailing or calling museum staff about a potential donation:
- Your name and contact information.
- A description of the object/archival document(s)
- Who owned it/where did it come from?
- Does it relate to Dufferin County? (Did the owner live here, was the document produced here, etc.)
- What year does the item date to (if known)
- Please attach a photograph of the item to your email.
Step 2: A staff member will contact you for additional information (if required) and to make arrangements for donation if the item(s) are to be accepted.
Please note: due to space restrictions and other factors, not all offered items may be accepted for donation.
Step 3: If accepted, upon receipt of the artifact/archival donation and completion of paperwork, donors may request a charitable tax receipt for fair market value.